Tango: Dansons La Musique ! © Vol I et II


Offre spéciale de deux livres – expire le 31 décembre 2024
Volume II – Les style de tango : Epoques et Orquestres
Volume I – La musique du Tango destinee au danseuts sans formation musicale

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  • A 136 pages e-Book with all the different types of tango rhythm.
    • 133 Audio tracks to exercise with.
    • 43 Videos to guide you while performing the exercises
    • 46 Tangos, Milongas and Waltzes from which the parts of music used in the exercises were taken.

Demo: Try one chapter of the book now for free to see how it works!!

Read the instructions FIRST!!

Tango Let’s dance to the music !

How to work with the book:

The example chapter is Chapter 12: “Off-beat”. It is an ADVANCED chapter.

If you can’t do the exercises, don’t worry, the scope is just that you see how the book works with the audios and videos. There will be other simpler chapters throughout the book that correspond to your level.

First read the chapter’s text. When the text indicates, listen to the MP3 audio file. Listen to it carefully at least 3-4 times before continuing. Then do the exercise with the audio as suggested by the text of the book.

To check if you have done the exercise well, watch the video when the text indicates it.

Enjoy it !! Joaquin

Note: The title, the design of the book’s cover and all the contents are copyright ©